Standard Web Slings


  • Model EE

    Endless Type Slings are one of the most versatile used type because of their adaptability to numerous applications. They can be utilized in a choker, vertical or basket hitch. Sling life is prolonged because of rotation of the wear surfaces.

  • Model ET

    Two tapered points at opposite ends of the sling allow the use of wide slings on small crane hooks. However, the rotational feature of the sling is lost. Tapered points are for 1 & 2 ply slings only. Tapered points will be 1/3 sling width on medium duty and 1/2 sling width on heavy duty.

  • Model LL

    An eye (or loop) at each end makes this type of sling ideal for use in a basket hitch. It can also be used in a choker hitch by passing one eye around the load and through the opposite eye. On multi-ply slings, the bodies are stitched full length.

  • Model RE

    Reverse Eye Slings have a textured nylon wear pad on both sides which protect the main body from load abrasion, as well as adding significantly to sling life. Both eyes are open at 90 degrees to sling body for ease of rigging. Reverse eyes can be used in basket or choker hitches. Eye lengths other than the standards listed are available; please specify when ordering.

  • Model TTL

    Tapered eyes permit the use of wide slings on small crane hooks. Turned eye slings with tapered eyes are well adapted for both basket and choker hitches.